童谣视频 https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/m15e8iGjvEj/folder/630e2d0a78b6d6de176246a4b24ee2dc1a5cdd57 folder
歌词 https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/m15e8iGjvEj/folder/630e2d08071e1c59576d48228fa92166d185b0ed folder
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童谣视频 https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/quYyq58jfvA/folder/62cc7d1f36fe229fc92443c98aec217dd835f24f folder
歌词 https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/quYyq58jfvA/folder/62cc7d1e27a5373c7b2e4bfd867b6aed9e5f7fb9 folder
童谣视频 https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/quYyq58jfvA/folder/62cc7d064ff4551de7ee4d4e837216be69f6494e folder
歌词 https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/quYyq58jfvA/folder/62cc7d05351952cef9ff43adb0fbc009a62af8f2 folder
鹅妈妈童谣65首68 The mole.mp3 - 483.81KB67 Matthew.mp3 - 150.72KB66 How many miles to Babylon.mp3 - 376.25KB65 The big ship sails on the alley oh.mp3 - 199.13KB64 Matthew Mark.mp3 - 178.36KB63 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 - 474.65KB62 I'll buy you a tartan bannet.mp3 - 139.96KB61 Polly Put The Kettle On.mp3 - 207.78KB......
鹅妈妈童谣65首68 The mole.mp3 - 483.81KB67 Matthew.mp3 - 150.72KB66 How many miles to Babylon.mp3 - 376.25KB65 The big ship sails on the alley oh.mp3 - 199.13KB64 Matthew Mark.mp3 - 178.36KB63 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 - 474.65KB62 I'll buy you a tartan bannet.mp3 - 139.96KB61 Polly Put The Kettle On.mp3 - 207.78KB......
鹅妈妈童谣65首68 The mole.mp3 - 483.81KB67 Matthew.mp3 - 150.72KB66 How many miles to Babylon.mp3 - 376.25KB65 The big ship sails on the alley oh.mp3 - 199.13KB64 Matthew Mark.mp3 - 178.36KB63 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 - 474.65KB62 I'll buy you a tartan bannet.mp3 - 139.96KB61 Polly Put The Kettle On.mp3 - 207.78KB......
鹅妈妈童谣65首68 The mole.mp3 - 483.81KB67 Matthew.mp3 - 150.72KB66 How many miles to Babylon.mp3 - 376.25KB65 The big ship sails on the alley oh.mp3 - 199.13KB64 Matthew Mark.mp3 - 178.36KB63 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 - 474.65KB62 I'll buy you a tartan bannet.mp3 - 139.96KB61 Polly Put The Kettle On.mp3 - 207.78KB......
【童谣】1000首英文儿歌清华少儿语感启蒙全套资源鹅妈妈童谣.zip - 128.39MBWeeSing系列PDF+mp3(最全21个系列).rar - 1.96GBSuper simple Songs.rar - 2.00GBDisney Children's Favorites Songs.zip - 288.50MB清华幼儿英语语感启蒙第1-4书籍1-4及文本清华幼儿英语语感启蒙视频(1).rar - 1.66GB2004语感启蒙2.rar - 512.12MB......
鹅妈妈童谣65首68 The mole.mp3 - 483.81KB67 Matthew.mp3 - 150.72KB66 How many miles to Babylon.mp3 - 376.25KB65 The big ship sails on the alley oh.mp3 - 199.13KB64 Matthew Mark.mp3 - 178.36KB63 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 - 474.65KB62 I'll buy you a tartan bannet.mp3 - 139.96KB61 Polly Put The Kettle On.mp3 - 207.78KB......
鹅妈妈童谣65首68 The mole.mp3 - 483.81KB67 Matthew.mp3 - 150.72KB66 How many miles to Babylon.mp3 - 376.25KB65 The big ship sails on the alley oh.mp3 - 199.13KB64 Matthew Mark.mp3 - 178.36KB63 Wee Willie Winkie.mp3 - 474.65KB62 I'll buy you a tartan bannet.mp3 - 139.96KB61 Polly Put The Kettle On.mp3 - 207.78KB......
鹅妈妈童谣68首鹅妈妈翻译.doc - 31.00KB9(20页) Cackle,cackle,Mother Goose.mp3 - 347.77KB8(18页)Baa, baa, black sheep.mp3 - 406.81KB7(17页)Down at the station, early in the morning.mp3 - 447.17KB6(14页)Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall.mp3 - 374.18KB68 (105页)The mole.mp3 - 483.81KB67(104页) Matthew.mp3 - 150.72KB66(102页) How many miles to Babylon.mp3 - 376.25KB......