Browning Automatic Rifle - operation.flv - 23.90MBSmallarmsUS Rifle, Cal. 7.62MM M-14 Operation And Cycle Of Functioning (1960).flv - 183.89MBRifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle 1942 Part 2.flv - 273.99MBRifle Marksmanship with the M1 Rifle 1942 Part 1.flv - 299.48MBMACHINEGUN, 7.62MM, M60, OPERATION AND CYCLE OF FUNCTIONING.flv - 130.49MBMachine Gun 7.62mm Tank M73 Operation and Disassembly and Assembly (1962).flv - 124.00MBM203 Grenade Launcher Functioning 1971.flv - 67.37MBM203 40mm ...
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