C4D上海映速教程材质教程02-1. Creating shiny plastic with the Specular channel.mp4 - 71.08MB01-6. Using the various material channels.mp4 - 51.53MB01-5. Applying materials to NURBS caps and polygon selections.mp4 - 66.82MB01-4. Using the Content Browser.mp4 - 52.29MB01-3. Using the Interactive Render Region to preview your materials.mp4 - 43.05MB01-2. Creating and applying materials to objects.mp4 - 29.84MB......
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C4D上海映速教程材质教程02-1. Creating shiny plastic with the Specular channel.mp4 - 71.08MB01-6. Using the various material channels.mp4 - 51.53MB01-5. Applying materials to NURBS caps and polygon selections.mp4 - 66.82MB01-4. Using the Content Browser.mp4 - 52.29MB01-3. Using the Interactive Render Region to preview your materials.mp4 - 43.05MB01-2. Creating and applying materials to objects.mp4 - 29.84MB......
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