救国公债拾元 1937 (48)Government Bonds五厘金劵五十美金 1925 (1)台湾银行金壹圆劵 1904 (1)军需公债壹佰元 1912 (1)军需公债伍元 1912 (5)军需公债拾元 1912 (1)Reorganisation Gold Loan 20 Pounds Sterling 1913 (9)Pekin Syndicate Limited Shansi Shares x 5 of 1910 (1)......
救国公债拾元 1937 (48)Government Bonds五厘金劵五十美金 1925 (1)台湾银行金壹圆劵 1904 (1)军需公债壹佰元 1912 (1)军需公债伍元 1912 (5)军需公债拾元 1912 (1)Reorganisation Gold Loan 20 Pounds Sterling 1913 (9)Pekin Syndicate Limited Shansi Shares x 5 of 1910 (1)......
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