2017 The Rebirth of J170213-170214 大阪170121-170122 首尔170107-170109 横滨The REBIRTH of J Jaejoong Cute NG intro of Good Morning Night 170208.mp4 - 18.64MB170208 The REBIRTH of J Good Morning Night long ver..mp4 - 25.92MB170208 Jaejoong The REBIRTH of J Good Luck.mp4 - 43.00MBJaejoong Jooota[fuyumi]170122 김재중 KIM JAEJOONG ASIA TOUR in SEOUL The REBIRTH of J-Drawer 서랍(fuyumi).mp4 - 51.74MB......
BrunuhVille - Rebirth (2014)cover.jpg - 576.30KB18 - Amin Mela Lle (Instrumental Version) [Bonus].mp3 - 3.01MB17 - Winterwolf (Rock Version) [Bonus].mp3 - 5.17MB16 - Cry of the Dragons (Alt.Version) [Bonus].mp3 - 3.83MB15 - Rebirth (No Drums) [Bonus].mp3 - 3.86MB14 - Amin Mela Lle.mp3 - 3.01MB12 - Winterwolf.mp3 - 5.02MB11 - Cry of the Dragons.mp3 - 4.72MB......