Statistical Mechanics https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/N3x3wXQCCk7/folder/62301ebd65e008c5a2204a5d82959159666d55ff folder
Elasticity https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/N3x3wXQCCk7/folder/62301ebdc6ac28fee6cf46479d3cc4362569f700 folder
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Nonlinear Continuum Mechanics For Finite Element Analysis - Bonet, Wood.pdf 1.97 MB pdf
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Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mecha...
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Fluid dynamics https://www.aliyundrive.com/s/N3x3wXQCCk7/folder/62301ebca915c3819e264114b843987c62968c21 folder
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Practical Fluid Mechanics For Engineering Applications - Bloomer.pdf 12.19 MB pdf
Perturbation Methods In Fluid Mechanics - Van Dyke.pdf 19.99 MB pdf
Mathematical The...
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Topics in advanced quantum mechanics - C. Callan.djvu 1.39 MB djvu
The grand unified theory of quantum classical mechanics - Mills R.L..djvu 6.15 MB djvu
The Theory of Groups and Quantum Mechanics - H. Weyl.djvu 19.44 MB djvu
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