week 10What Are You Wearing - Simple Skits - MLL - 复件(1).mp4 - 16.88MBThe Clothing Song - 复件(1).mp4 - 5.06MBBody Parts Chant (This is ~ _ These are ~ ) .mp4 - 4.21MBAlphabet Rap Song.mp4 - 9.67MB8字母M及单词.mp4 - 2.79MB7五官特征描述.mp4 - 3.01MB6字母A-M.mp4 - 4.99MB5数字.mp4 - 2.64MB......
K week 11精读泛读songssocialWhats the Weather Like Today.mp4 - 4.41MBThe Sun Comes Up!.mp4 - 11.47MBWalking In The Jungle _ Super Simple Songs.mp4 - 37.36MBThe Rules of the Classroom Song.mp4 - 9.89MB......
week10Why Animals Why.pptx - 5.55MBWeek 10 HFW.pptx - 2.91MBSound Spelling Card U.pdf - 167.04KBSound Pattern Worksheet.pdf - 250.23KBSound Pattern Worksheet (Number 1).pdf - 170.81KBShort U.pptx - 4.01MBShort U.mp4 - 6.15MBRunning Dictation Sentences.pdf - 173.85KB......
9 - 6 - Video 8.5- Taxes, SCF, and Marketable Securities (19-04).mp4 - 18.15MBweek7week9week10week8lecture_slides-Video08-05.pdf - 37.81KBlecture_slides-Video08-04.pdf - 54.57KBlecture_slides-Video08-03.pdf - 32.84KBlecture_slides-Video08-02-2.pdf - 50.69KB......
Henny-Penny 小母鸡潘妮.mp3 - 35.11MBHenny Penny 小母鸡潘妮.pdf - 10.45MBWeek 16Week 14Week 10Week 01Week 05-06(重复1-4周的书单)Week 17Week 07......
00.5元音短音组合练习册-打印.doc - 1.60MBWeek 2309.Penelope蓝色小考拉08.牛津树07.廖彩杏书单第17周06.Wee Sing for Baby04.Shapes词汇积累03.Wally Kazam沃利单词魔法02.Starfall练习册......