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2004-vcd1two little black birds.DAT - 42.50MBthe little fingers.DAT - 45.69MBthe chimney.DAT - 32.29MBpeek-a-boo.DAT - 30.92MBopen shut.DAT - 33.14MBlittle bee.DAT - 32.91MBhere is the behive.DAT - 44.87MBentsy weentsy spider.DAT - 48.54MB......
2004-vcd4Twinkle Twinkle little star.DAT - 54.77MBThere is thunder.DAT - 44.76MBThe wheels on the bus.DAT - 77.96MBOne two buckle my shoes.DAT - 35.97MBI'm a little teapot.DAT - 40.80MBHead and shoulders.DAT - 39.69MBA-tu-li-ta.DAT - 48.33MB
2004-vcd4Twinkle Twinkle little star.DAT - 54.77MBThere is thunder.DAT - 44.76MBThe wheels on the bus.DAT - 77.96MBOne two buckle my shoes.DAT - 35.97MBI'm a little teapot.DAT - 40.80MBHead and shoulders.DAT - 39.69MBA-tu-li-ta.DAT - 48.33MB
2004-vcd4Twinkle Twinkle little star.DAT - 54.77MBThere is thunder.DAT - 44.76MBThe wheels on the bus.DAT - 77.96MBOne two buckle my shoes.DAT - 35.97MBI'm a little teapot.DAT - 40.80MBHead and shoulders.DAT - 39.69MBA-tu-li-ta.DAT - 48.33MB