最全雅思口语练习黄金素材集锦.zip - 394.66KB最全雅思口语练习黄金素材集锦.zip - 394.66KB
雅思哥原创整理最全雅思口语话题题卡(1-4月)雅思考官口语实战指导P23P1Read me.txt - 656bytes沿用全新writing.PNG - 36.89KBsleeping.PNG - 12.82KB......
P1 P3网课及文字版参考答案 9-12月雅思口语经验.pdf - 280.00KB高分俚语短句.doc - 62.50KB高分俚语词汇.doc - 113.50KB动词短语.doc - 228.50KB程度副词.doc - 56.50KBYES机经雅思口语答案.rar - 36.15MBP2应急模版(赠品).pdf - 14.81MBielts口语part2.pdf - 308.85KB......
P1 P3网课及文字版参考答案 9-12月雅思口语经验.pdf - 280.00KB高分俚语短句.doc - 62.50KB高分俚语词汇.doc - 113.50KB动词短语.doc - 228.50KB程度副词.doc - 56.50KBYES机经雅思口语答案.rar - 36.15MBP2应急模版(赠品).pdf - 14.81MBielts口语part2.pdf - 308.85KB......
P1 P3网课及文字版参考答案 9-12月雅思口语经验.pdf - 280.00KB高分俚语短句.doc - 62.50KB高分俚语词汇.doc - 113.50KB动词短语.doc - 228.50KB程度副词.doc - 56.50KBYES机经雅思口语答案.rar - 36.15MBP2应急模版(赠品).pdf - 14.81MBielts口语part2.pdf - 308.85KB......
杨帅雅思口语P2素材P2-your grandparent’s jobP2-your favorite singer or bandP2-something you do to help you study or workP2-something that you brought back from a tourist attractionP2-something lost by others but found by youP2-someone you haven’t seen before but would like to know more aboutP2-someone who speaks a foreign language wellP2-an unusual vacation......
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