Theoretical Nuclear And Subnuclear Physics 2nd ed - J. Walecka (World, 2004) WW.pdf 27.09 MB pdfNeutrino Physics - K. Zuber (Taylor and Francis, 2004) WW.pdf 7.81 MB pdf
Sundaresan - Handbook of Particle Physics (CRC, 2001).djvu 3.39 MB djvuSessler - Engines of Discovery - A Century of Particle Accelerators (WorldSci, 2007).pdf 17.56 MB pdfHalzen - Quarks and Leptons - An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics (Wiley, 1984).pdf 14.34 MB pdfHaken - The Physics of Atoms and Quanta 7e (Springer, 2005).pdf 68.47 MB pdfClose - The Particle Odyssey - A Journey to the Heart of the Matter (Oxford, 2002).pdf 18.30 MB pdfBraams - Nuclear Fusion - Half a Centu...
Sundaresan - Handbook of Particle Physics (CRC, 2001).djvu 3.39 MB djvuSessler - Engines of Discovery - A Century of Particle Accelerators (WorldSci, 2007).pdf 17.56 MB pdfHalzen - Quarks and Leptons - An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics (Wiley, 1984).pdf 14.34 MB pdfHaken - The Physics of Atoms and Quanta 7e (Springer, 2005).pdf 68.47 MB pdfClose - The Particle Odyssey - A Journey to the Heart of the Matter (Oxford, 2002).pdf 18.30 MB pdfBraams - Nuclear Fusion - Half a Centu...