Origami Spread Hex Tessellation (橡果顶部折法).mp4 1.18 GB mp4
Origami Spread Hex Tessellation (橡果顶部折法).mp4 1.18 GB mp4
Origami Spread Hex Tessellation (橡果顶部折法) .srt 3.10 KB srt
Origami Acorn (Beth Johnson) Spread Hex Tessellation (整体演示).srt 4.80 KB srt
Advanced top of origami Acorn (橡果顶部新式折法).mp4 107.02 MB mp4
Advanced top of origami Acorn (橡果顶部新式折法).srt 0.25 KB srt
Advanced top of origami Acorn (橡果顶部新式折法).srt 0.25 KB srt
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