Ropeginterferon alfa-2b, a novel IFNα-2b, induces high response rates with low toxicity in patients with polycythemia vera-文献查找-临床-胡萍.pdf
Ropeginterferon alfa-2b, a novel IFNα-2b, induces high response rates with low toxicity in patients with polycythemia vera-文献查找-临床-胡萍.pdf
Novel and emerging therapies for the treatment of polycythemia vera-文献查找-综述-胡萍.pdf
New Therapeutic Approaches in Polycythemia Vera.-文献查找-综述-胡萍.pdf
Distribution of lymphocyte subpopulations in patients withpolycythemia vera-文献查找-基础-胡萍.pdf
Effects of imatinib mesylate in patients with polycythemia vera results of a phase II study.-文献查找-临床...
Quantitative analysis of the erythrocyte membrane proteins in polycythemia vera patients treated wit...
Recurrent Stroke with Rapid Development of IntracranialStenoses in Polycythemia Vera-文献待查-病例-胡萍.pdf
Mechanisms of thrombogenesis in polycythemia vera-文献查找-综述-胡萍.pdf
Polycythemia vera presenting as acute myocardial infarction An unusual presentation.-文献查找-病例-胡萍.pdf
Ruxolitinib versus standard therapy for the treatment of polycythemia vera.-文献查找-临床-胡萍.pdf
Axial Spondyloarthritis exercises for patients.eng.mp4
RNA interference–induced hepatotoxicity results from loss.pdf
Do Genetic Polymorphisms Modulate Response Rate and Toxicity of Cisplatin Associated With Radiothera...
Elevation of the Hepatitis B Virus DNA during the Treatment of Polycythemia Vera with the JAK Kinase...
Perioperative blood product administration and thromboembolic events in patients with treated polycy...
A case of spinal cord infarction caused by polycythemiavera.-文献待查-病例-胡萍.pdf
Association of Biodiversity with the Rates of Micropollutant.pdf
Sensomotor axonal peripheral neuropathy as a first complication of polycythemia rubra vera A report ...
Assessment of patients with chronic pain.pdf
Increased Lipocalin 2 level may have important role in thrombotic events in patients with polycythem...