ZBrush巨龙雕刻艺术训练视频教程Digital Tutors - Sculpting a Dragon Scroll Asset in ZBrushSculpting a Dragon Scroll Asset in ZBrush.zip - 1.97GB23.Editing in Photoshop and the course conclusion.mp4 - 103.43MB22.Applying material, color and render.mp4 - 78.12MB21.Adding erosion effects.mp4 - 98.02MB20.Adding aging effects.mp4 - 69.34MB19.Placing the dragon arms.mp4 - 113.37MB18.Blocking out the dragon arms.mp4 - 110.66MB17.Detailing the dragon hair.mp4 - 90.67MB......
ZBrush巨龙雕刻艺术训练视频教程Digital Tutors - Sculpting a Dragon Scroll Asset in ZBrushSculpting a Dragon Scroll Asset in ZBrush.zip - 1.97GB23.Editing in Photoshop and the course conclusion.mp4 - 103.43MB22.Applying material, color and render.mp4 - 78.12MB21.Adding erosion effects.mp4 - 98.02MB20.Adding aging effects.mp4 - 69.34MB19.Placing the dragon arms.mp4 - 113.37MB18.Blocking out the dragon arms.mp4 - 110.66MB17.Detailing the dragon hair.mp4 - 90.67MB......
ZBrush巨龙雕刻艺术训练视频教程Digital Tutors - Sculpting a Dragon Scroll Asset in ZBrushSculpting a Dragon Scroll Asset in ZBrush.zip - 1.97GB23.Editing in Photoshop and the course conclusion.mp4 - 103.43MB22.Applying material, color and render.mp4 - 78.12MB21.Adding erosion effects.mp4 - 98.02MB20.Adding aging effects.mp4 - 69.34MB19.Placing the dragon arms.mp4 - 113.37MB18.Blocking out the dragon arms.mp4 - 110.66MB17.Detailing the dragon hair.mp4 - 90.67MB......
Project FilesChapter 7 - Rendering in ArnoldChapter 6 - Render IntegrationChapter 5 - Creating Hair and Fur in XgenChapter 4 - Mapping and TexturingChapter 3 - Making and Refining High Poly MeshChapter 2 - Preparation and Base MeshChapter 1 - Overviewbanner.jpg - 2.42MB......