行李舱.tif - 21.52MB787-9外观 Exterior内饰 Interior介绍PPT Introduction海南航空787-9梦想飞机介绍.pdf - 22.81MBThe Introdution of HNA 787-9 dreamliner.pptx - 3.38MB3D效果图2016年实拍......
行李舱.tif - 21.52MB787-9外观 Exterior内饰 Interior介绍PPT Introduction海南航空787-9梦想飞机介绍.pdf - 22.81MBThe Introdution of HNA 787-9 dreamliner.pptx - 3.38MB3D效果图2016年实拍......
海南航空787-9机型宣传片-纯净版成片.mp4 - 536.83MB海南航空787-9机型宣传片-Motion成片.mp4 - 537.39MB787-9试飞实拍视频 the video of the real objectHNA_787-9_MASTER_NOSUB_20160705.mp4 - 217.08MBHNA_787-9_MASTER_EN_20160705.mp4 - 217.09MBHNA_787-9_MASTER_CH_20160705.mp4 - 217.09MB787-9 full version video(without phone charging scene) .mp4 - 207.18MB......
787liveries052.zip - 46.15MB
787liveries052.zip - 46.15MB
B787787 显控Block 5B Equipment and Furnishings, Oxygen, Cargo Compartment, Doors, Windows, Structures.pdf - 122.92MBBlock 5A Air Conditioning Systems.pdf - 176.60MBBlock 4 Fuel, IGS, Fire, APU, Engine.pdf - 219.15MBBlock 3C Landing Gear Systems.pdf - 166.94MBBlock 3B Flight Control Systems, Autoflight.pdf - 148.86MBBlock 3A Hydraulic Systems.pdf - 104.11MBBlock 2D Ice and Rain Protection, Water and Waste Systems.pdf - 23.03MB......