戛纳洲际酒店InterContinental Canne Carlton-View from the Carlton pier.jpg - 592.36KBInterContinental Canne Carlton-Valet parking.jpg - 409.47KBInterContinental Canne Carlton-Two Bedroom Suite with sea view.jpg - 2.79MBInterContinental Canne Carlton-Two Bedroom Suite 7th Floor Lounge.jpg - 3.08MBInterContinental Canne Carlton-The Mediterranean Sea.jpg - 422.30KBInterContinental Canne Carlton-The Carlton Lobby Bar.jpg - 162.62KBInterContinental Canne Carlton-The beautiful Bay of Cannes.jpg - 230....
洲际酒店设计验收标准IHG Green Manage Guidelines CN 11 April 2010.pdf - 8.24MB+TS Manual Oct 2008- Dual Language.pdf - 2.87MB+Spa Design Brief - dual language.pdf - 1.19MB+IHG Green Engage-Solutions-Issued Feb 1 2011.pdf - 7.67MB+IHG FLS Check List.pdf - 1.39MB+IHG Brand Safety Standards.pdf - 411.57KB+IC Supplementary Design Reference w GHGL-20100622.pdf - 45.18MB+IC design extracts.pdf - 2.72MB......