52.Hopfield nets with hidden units [10 min].mp4 - 12.29KB50.Hopfield Nets [13 min].srt - 14.65MB50.Hopfield Nets [13 min].mp4 - 11.31MBhinton-ml9.Why the learning works [5 min].srt - 6.40KB9.Why the learning works [5 min].mp4 - 5.90MB8.A geometrical view of perceptrons [6 min].srt - 8.29KB8.A geometrical view of perceptrons [6 min].mp4 - 7.32MB74.Shallow autoencoders for pre-training [7 mins].srt - 10.05KB......
52.Hopfield nets with hidden units [10 min].mp4 - 12.29KB50.Hopfield Nets [13 min].srt - 14.65MB50.Hopfield Nets [13 min].mp4 - 11.31MBhinton-ml9.Why the learning works [5 min].srt - 6.40KB9.Why the learning works [5 min].mp4 - 5.90MB8.A geometrical view of perceptrons [6 min].srt - 8.29KB8.A geometrical view of perceptrons [6 min].mp4 - 7.32MB74.Shallow autoencoders for pre-training [7 mins].srt - 10.05KB......