第一章 集成电路制造工艺.ppt - 2.21MB第五章 MOS基本逻辑单元电路.ppt - 5.41MB第四章 ECL电路和I2L电路.ppt - 1.59MB第三章 TTL集成电路.ppt - 2.04MB第七章 MOS存储器.ppt - 1.96MB第六章 MOS电路版图设计.ppt - 2.32MB第二章 集成电路中的元器件及其寄生效应.ppt - 3.74MB第八章 模拟集成电路中常用的单元电路.ppt - 1.20MB
超大规模集成电路基础[40课时]-25讲(13-25).rar - 806.85MB超大规模集成电路基础[40课时]-25讲(01-12)....rar - 804.15MBCMOS Mixed-Signal Circuit Design, 2nd Ed.pdf - 28.73MBCMOS Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation, 3rd Ed.pdf - 21.44MB
9introduction of cmos process(三).flv - 42.85MB8introduction of cmos process(二).flv - 42.89MB7introduction of cmos process(一).flv - 43.65MB71digital-analog and analog-digital(十三).flv - 42.15MB70digital-analog and analog-digital(十二).flv - 50.55MB6analog & mixed signal integrated circuit(六).flv - 43.80MB69digital-analog and analog-digital(十一).flv - 55.02MB68digital-analog and analog-digital(十).flv - 44.71MB67digital-analog and analog-digital(九).flv - 49.48MB......
9introduction of cmos process(三).flv - 42.85MB8introduction of cmos process(二).flv - 42.89MB7introduction of cmos process(一).flv - 43.65MB71digital-analog and analog-digital(十三).flv - 42.15MB70digital-analog and analog-digital(十二).flv - 50.55MB6analog & mixed signal integrated circuit(六).flv - 43.80MB69digital-analog and analog-digital(十一).flv - 55.02MB68digital-analog and analog-digital(十).flv - 44.71MB67digital-analog and analog-digital(九).flv - 49.48MB......
9introduction of cmos process(三).flv - 42.85MB8introduction of cmos process(二).flv - 42.89MB7introduction of cmos process(一).flv - 43.65MB71digital-analog and analog-digital(十三).flv - 42.15MB70digital-analog and analog-digital(十二).flv - 50.55MB6analog & mixed signal integrated circuit(六).flv - 43.80MB69digital-analog and analog-digital(十一).flv - 55.02MB68digital-analog and analog-digital(十).flv - 44.71MB67digital-analog and analog-digital(九).flv - 49.48MB......