Gotham S03E21-E22 Destiny Calling and HeavyDirtySoul.简英.ass 333.21 KB assGotham S03E20 Pretty Hate Machine.简英.ass 186.03 KB assGotham S03E19 All Will Be Judged.简英.ass 191.00 KB assGotham S03E18 Light the Wick.简英.ass 173.75 KB assGotham S03E17 The Primal Riddle.简英.ass 204.54 KB assGotham S03E16 These Delicate and Dark Obsessions.简英.ass 180.07 KB assGotham S03E15 How the Riddler Got His Name.简英.ass 201.33 KB assGotham S03E14 The Gentle Art of Making Enemies.简英.ass 182.11 KB assGotham S03E1...