Suppes - Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures (CSLI, 2002).pdf 7.69 MB pdf
Seckbach - Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution (WorldSci, 2009).pdf 57.93 MB pdf
Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2e (1920,1993).pdf 12.10 MB pdf
Oyama - Evolutions Eye - A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide (Duke, 2000).pdf 1.44 MB pdf
Newton - A Very Short Introduction.pdf 1.90 MB pdf
Marcus - The Algebraic Mind - Integrating Connectionism and Cog...
Williams - Knowledge and Its Limits (Oxford, 2002).pdf 3.21 MB pdf
White - Studying for Science (Spon, 1991).pdf 1.08 MB pdf
Taylor - Hidden Unity in Natures Laws (Cambridge, 2001).pdf 6.70 MB pdf
Taleb - The Black Swan - The Impact of the Highly Improbable [probability] (Random House, 2007).pdf 6.88 MB pdf
Science in the Contemporary World An Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO 2005).pdf 2.54 MB pdf
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Popper - The Logic of Scientific...
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Paul Dirac - The Man and His Work - A. Pais (Cambridge, 1998) WW.pdf 11.01 MB pdf
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Van Riper - Science in Popular Culture (Greenwood, 2002).pdf 2.23 MB pdf
Teresi - Lost Discoveries - The Ancient Roots of Modern Science (Simon, 2002).pdf 6.61 MB pdf
Smith - Inventions and Inventors [Magills Choice, 2 volumes] (Salem, 2002).pdf 9.89 MB pdf
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Suppes - Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures (CSLI, 2002).pdf 7.69 MB pdf
Seckbach - Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution (WorldSci, 2009).pdf 57.93 MB pdf
Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2e (1920,1993).pdf 12.10 MB pdf
Oyama - Evolutions Eye - A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide (Duke, 2000).pdf 1.44 MB pdf
Newton - A Very Short Introduction.pdf 1.90 MB pdf
Marcus - The Algebraic Mind - Integrating Connectionism and Cog...
Suppes - Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures (CSLI, 2002).pdf 7.69 MB pdf
Seckbach - Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution (WorldSci, 2009).pdf 57.93 MB pdf
Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2e (1920,1993).pdf 12.10 MB pdf
Oyama - Evolutions Eye - A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide (Duke, 2000).pdf 1.44 MB pdf
Newton - A Very Short Introduction.pdf 1.90 MB pdf
Marcus - The Algebraic Mind - Integrating Connectionism and Cog...
Suppes - Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures (CSLI, 2002).pdf 7.69 MB pdf
Seckbach - Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution (WorldSci, 2009).pdf 57.93 MB pdf
Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2e (1920,1993).pdf 12.10 MB pdf
Oyama - Evolutions Eye - A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide (Duke, 2000).pdf 1.44 MB pdf
Newton - A Very Short Introduction.pdf 1.90 MB pdf
Marcus - The Algebraic Mind - Integrating Connectionism and Cog...
Suppes - Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures (CSLI, 2002).pdf 7.69 MB pdf
Seckbach - Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution (WorldSci, 2009).pdf 57.93 MB pdf
Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2e (1920,1993).pdf 12.10 MB pdf
Oyama - Evolutions Eye - A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide (Duke, 2000).pdf 1.44 MB pdf
Newton - A Very Short Introduction.pdf 1.90 MB pdf
Marcus - The Algebraic Mind - Integrating Connectionism and Cog...
Suppes - Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures (CSLI, 2002).pdf 7.69 MB pdf
Seckbach - Divine Action and Natural Selection - Science, Faith and Evolution (WorldSci, 2009).pdf 57.93 MB pdf
Russell - Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy 2e (1920,1993).pdf 12.10 MB pdf
Oyama - Evolutions Eye - A Systems View of the Biology-Culture Divide (Duke, 2000).pdf 1.44 MB pdf
Newton - A Very Short Introduction.pdf 1.90 MB pdf
Marcus - The Algebraic Mind - Integrating Connectionism and Cog...
Williams - Knowledge and Its Limits (Oxford, 2002).pdf 3.21 MB pdfWhite - Studying for Science (Spon, 1991).pdf 1.08 MB pdfTaylor - Hidden Unity in Natures Laws (Cambridge, 2001).pdf 6.70 MB pdfTaleb - The Black Swan - The Impact of the Highly Improbable [probability] (Random House, 2007).pdf 6.88 MB pdfScience in the Contemporary World An Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO 2005).pdf 2.54 MB pdfScience in the Ancient World An Encyclopedia (ABC-CLIO 2004).pdf 2.00 MB pdfPopper - The Logic of Scientific...
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